A selection of compositions:
8151152415815512121219418156103133315531 - percussion ensemble (1990)
Neptunus - flute solo (1991/1992)
Pole Star - choir, flute, percussion (1993)
Lunely - piano duo (1993)
Circle - small ensemble (1994)
Rakish - flute, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon (1994)
Milky way - piano solo unfinished (1994/1995)
Trio - vibraphone, harp, piano, viola (1995)
Konstellation - flute solo and piano solo, Neptunus reworked (1995)
Les études électroniques - electronic (1997-2002)
Centurion - electronic (2001)
Ambience - electronic (2002)
Transience - electronic (2002)
Phemios A - electronic (2002)
Phemios B - live electronics (2003)
Buddhatone - not specified (2004) A4 project for The Great Learning Orchestra
Dagg - electronic (2004)
Paper Jam - concrete (2004)
Nattfjäril / The Nightfly - electronic (2005)
The Ocean/Meditation - synthesizers, radio & tape (2005)
Convergence - electronic (2001/2005)
Harald Bojé - synthesizer (2004/2008)
Emptiness - electronic (2005)
4am - electric guitars, tape (2006)
Hypnotic - synthesizer (2006)
Waterfront - fixed version of 'Hypnotic' (2006)
Subways - electronic (2006)
Arf Arf - synthesizer (2007)
The Black Tattoo - synthesizer (2007)
Fassung - duo (in progress)
Vapor Trails - electronic (2008)
Violet on green - electronic (2008)

Through the golden needles eye
In 1990 Johan Boberg performed Karlheinz Stockhausens piece Goldstaub (Gold dust)
together with fellow composer Fredrik Högberg. Ten years later Johan wrote
an article for Nutida Musik about his experiences with this piece. The article was
translated to English with some help from Ingvar Loco Nordin.
Buddhatone is a completely text based composition, the score is available here together with some
notes on performance. Please do try this at home.
Peter Eötvös and the Synthi A
This is a text about Peter Eötvös use of the Synthi A in the early 70's. Many of the
technical details in this text has been verified in dialogue with Peter Eötvös.
Modular Synthesizers
A short text on modular synthesizers.